Meeting 2006.12.08 Cambridge, UK
The objective of this meeting is to provide practical knowledge about producing a digital collection of paper reproductions. Specifically it will cover the following basic aspects:
- selecting which papers in a manuscript to reproduce
- what basic cataloguing data should be provided with each paper image
- presentation of different reproduction techniques
- hands-on reproduction with the frontlight-minus-backlight imaging method
This is a pilot project to be conducted first on a selection of Persian mss from the holdings of the Cambridge University Library. Further possibilities to investigate are libraries in Oxford and London.
Space-time coordinates
- Bernstein Consortium
- Cambridge University
- CharlesMelville? - Department of Oriental Studies, Shahneme Project
- Kristine Rose - Conservation Dept.
- G.D. Bye - Head of Photography
... detailed agenda ...
VladAtanasiu - 06 Nov 2006