Paper Links
Collection of links pertaining to paper studies and the Bernstein project.

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INTL - International Association of Paper Historians (IPH)
INTL - International Association of Book and Paper Conservators (IADA)
INTL - Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry
INTL - The International Association of Hand Papermakers and Paper Artists
INTL - Paperonline
EU - Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI)
UK - The British Association of Paper Historians
US - American Forest & Paper Association
US NY East Aurora - The Roycrofters
US OH - The Friends of Dard Hunter, Inc.
US OH - Dard Hunter Studios
US GA - Institute of Paper Science and Technology
AU VA - Papermakers of Victoria
JP - JapanFest
Ian Christie Miller - Method for watermark production
UK Newcastle - Jean E. Brown, School of Arts and Social Sciences
EVA06 Berlin - Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts
Paper and Watermark databases: 1. Databases of the Bernstein Project
Paper and Watermark databases: 2. Other databases
Databases useful in Paper Studies
paperonline - educational resource and portal link to the paper world
Book and Paper - a bibliographic database on preservation
The Improved Vienna Method - preservation of newspapers (Austria)
Book History Online - a database in English on the history of the printed book and libraries
Consortium of European Reseach Libraries - for naming thesaurii (places, persons, ...)
The LEAF Project - authority files
The LEAF Project (suppl.) - authority files - Historische Hilfswissenschaften, Kodikologie - Historical Auxiliary Sciences Codicology - Historical Auxiliary Sciences
Marburger Repertorien - Repertorien zur Überlieferung der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters - Incunabula Research - The European Library
Sondersammlungen der UB Graz - Collections of the University Library of Graz (Austria)
LAMOP - Laboratoire de Médiévistique Occidentale de Paris
Journals - Gazette du livre médiéval - PapierRestaurierung : Mitteilungen der IADA
(Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Archiv-, Bibliotheks- und Graphikrestauratoren)
AU Laakirchen - Österreichisches Papiermacher-Museum Laakirchen-Steyrermühl
CH Basel - Basler Papiermühle Homepage
D Düren - Papiermuseum Düren
D Homburg am Main - Museum Papiermühle Homburg
IPST - Robert C. Williams American Museum of Papermaking
IT Fabriano - Paper and Watermark Museum of Fabriano
IT Siracusa - Museo del Papiro - Siracusa
JP - Japan Paper Museum, Kochi
JP Tokyo - The Paper Museum, Tokyo
KR - Hansol Paper Museum
NL Rijswijk - Museum Rijswijk presents the Holland Paper Biennial
USA MA Dalton - Crane Museum of Papermaking
USA NY Marlboro - Gomez Mill House
USA PA Philadelphia - Historic RittenhouseTown
D Homburger Papiermanufaktur Johannes Follmer
F Le Moulin du Verger
UK Wookey Hole Handmade Paper
AD751 - a tool for laid lines density measurements from paper structure reporduction by Vlad Atanasiu
BlueNile - image filtering frequency domain by Vlad Atanasiu
Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI) - for historical cartography
Advanced Paper Imaging System (Ian Christie-Miller)
Visual Material
A papermaker at work -
JacquesBrejoux, Le Moulin du Verger, Puymoyen, France (online movie, in French)
Stages of papermaking -
JacquesBrejoux, Le Moulin du Verger, Puymoyen, France (photographs and explanations, in French)
Codicological multilingual vocabulary
e-learning glossary
Glossary Foxriver
Glossary of Paper Related Terms
Glossary of Papermaking Terms
India Paper market - Glossary
International Association of Paper Historians - International standard for the registration of papers with or without watermarks
Projects and Project Proposals
The Watermark Route, a three-year project supported and part-funded by the European Commission's Raphael Programme;
Expressions of Interest for creation of R&D projects
Media Reports
Enlightening technique uncovers lost Adam drawings after 170 years
VladAtanasiu - 02 Sep 2006
SandraHodecek - March 6th, 2007