Type %WZMA% to get an automatic link to
WZMA! Idem with NIKI, POL, WILC. --
VladAtanasiu - 13 Sep 2006
Internal Announcements
This is for messages not requiring action (like in
OpenIssues) or being about events outside the project (like in
News). They also are targeted at groups of users - for messages to individuals use their personal pages (like the one of

When editing this page be sure to add the messages in the sections of the user groups their are relevant to. This ensures that only the potentially interested useres should be greeted with these messages on the project's home page. But you allways can take a look at
all messages on this page.
Type %WZMA% to get an automatic link to
WZMA! Idem with NIKI, POL, WILC. --
VladAtanasiu - 13 Sep 2006
VladAtanasiu - 25 Aug 2006
Open issues
- Betagraphies scanning - Look for automatic film scanners for the betagraphies collection. -- VladAtanasiu - 20 Sep 2006
Open issues
This is a "To Do" blackboard for user groups. Post here all sorts of issues related to our project: administative, technical... For "To Do"-s to individual users post them on their respective personal pages (like here
TWikiGuest). News go in
NewsArchive and announcements in

When editing this page be sure to add the messages in the sections of the user groups their are relevant to. This esures that only the potentially interested useres should be greeted with these messages on the project's home page. But you allways can take a look at
all messages on this page.
- Betagraphies scanning - Look for automatic film scanners for the betagraphies collection. -- VladAtanasiu - 20 Sep 2006
VladAtanasiu - 25 Aug 2006
My Links
- ATasteOfTWiki - view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners
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- Sandbox - try out TWiki on your own
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