Databases search speed
This is part of the submitted UseCaseList.
A description of the scenario that you have in mind.
The user wants to find a specific watermark in the available databases in a reasonable amount of time.
How important do you see this use case as?
- Must be supported.
- The products will simply not be used if the users can't find quickly enough what they're looking for.
What other use cases are affected by the implementation of this one?
Things that the user must/might supply to the system.
Things that the user will recieve in response to their request.
Areas in which you foresee problems/issues arising.
- The current classification & search system of the databases is making the search process tedious, with a high degree of failure, due to users abandoning the search after unsuccessfully searching for some time.
An example supporting this use case.
- Search efficiency can be quantified through user tests. Failure rates recorded during the KM with 5 participants are at 50%, with abandonment after 5 minutes in average if search unsuccessful.
Other Information
Any other information that you think is important to include.
- A number of databases, like the Piccard-Online, are based on printed material. A user would expect the search in a digital catalogue to be faster and richer in options than the printed version.
Comment from other partner regarding the use case.
- Not only the database speed is important. The user wants only relevant information ('BERNSTEIN against the Information-Spam'). If many results are present in the BERNSTEIN-databases, then a restriction on the relavanten sources (e.g. 'only books', 'only art', 'only Antwerp', 'only 1480-1500') will be necessary. - GeorgDietz
- Perhaps it would help to see progress of search (percentage of records already done or something like this) to help people repressing their impatience. - FriederSchmidt <<< Like seeing a cook progressing on your sushi in a Japanese restaurant... - VladAtanasiu
- Piccard Online does not base on the printed books. A press release from Stuttgart (December 2005) describes the sources that way ( "Ab sofort ist die komplette Wasserzeichensammlung Piccard - das heißt sowohl die unpublizierten Karten als auch alle den gedruckten Findbüchern zugrunde liegenden Abzeichnungen - im Internet kostenfrei zugänglich. Mit Unterstützung der Stiftung Kulturgut des Landes Baden-Württemberg und der DFG konnte dieses Projekt seit 2002 in verschiedenen Phasen umgesetzt werden. Zunächst wurden rund 20.000 bisher nicht in den Piccard-Bänden publizierte Wasserzeichen digitalisiert und online verfügbar gemacht. In einem DFG-Projekt wurde anschließend die Digitalisierung aller Belege der von Piccard erstellten Wasserzeichenkartei realisiert." Actually there exists no concordance list of printed and electronically edited Piccard watermark tarcing files. - FriederSchmidt
VladAtanasiu - 13 Sep 2006