Bernstein GIS Services

Following are products of the Bernstein project related to the cartography of papers.

Peek view

This figure shows 4475 locations from the Bernstein databases where papers were printed, written upon or otherwise 'used' between the 14th and 19th century. See the map gallery for more samples.


Online Atlas

Bernstein Paper Atlas / Locations referring to papers and watermarks in Europe, 14th-19th century: places of paper use, repositories, incunabula printing places, bibliography, contextual information.

HELP Want to know how this is done? Check the GisSoftwareArchitecture page.

Next development steps

  • dynamic density visualization
  • new data:
    • up-to-date Bernstein reference distribution maps
    • thrid party data
  • comparison of multiple data sources
  • better layout
  • add bells and whistles

PaperDatabases / Geographical distribution of known databases of paper structure reproductions.


Dalek / Georeferenced placenames of the Bernstein Paper Atlas.

Download: dataset, kml, nuts, documentation (2008.06.30)

Next updates: completing IBPH and ISTC, adding NIKI

HELP Reporting bugs on GisBugsGeodata.

Data content:

  • Placenames (including variants)
  • Coordinates
  • Regions (administrative, geographical, historical and statistical)
Sources coverage (links to Google Maps):

Yersinia / Spacetime referenced placenames of plague occurrences in Europe 1347-1600.

Download: dataset, animation, visualization, documentation (2008.06.30)

Yersinia placenames are included in the Dalek dataset without the years of occurrence.


Wiz / Visualization tool for Dalek (the images below is done in Wiz)

Download: Matlab Runtime to install before the application, Windows application, Matlab sources code, installtion help, screenshot (2008.07.09)

Dibuk / Tool for debugging georeferenced datasets

Download: Matlab Runtime to install before the application, Windows application, Matlab sources code, installtion help, screenshot (2008.07.09)

Detects the following types of possible errors:

  • Variants: same placenames and same coordinates
  • Focus: same placenames with slightly different coordinates
  • Homonyms: same placenames with sizeable different coordinates
  • Proximity: different placenames, but very close coordinates
  • Outliers: coordinates outside a given region
  • Precision: rounding coordinates to a given number of decimals



-- VladAtanasiu - 21 Jun 2008, 24 Aug 2006

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Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
pdfpdf Deliverable10_D2.2_GIS_Data_v1_2007.07.23.pdf manage 126.5 K 12 Oct 2007 - 15:18 VladAtanasiu GIS status 2007.09.21
jpgjpg paper-use.jpg manage 138.8 K 21 Jun 2008 - 23:24 VladAtanasiu Paper use map - Europe
jpgjpg paper-use-world.jpg manage 41.7 K 21 Jun 2008 - 23:27 VladAtanasiu Paper use map - World
xlsxls nuts2003.xls manage 237.5 K 15 Nov 2008 - 21:00 VladAtanasiu NUTS names and codes (Excel fiel)
jpgjpg dibuk-screenshot.jpg manage 53.4 K 05 Apr 2010 - 08:25 VladAtanasiu dibuk screenshot
jpgjpg wiz-screenshot.jpg manage 99.1 K 05 Apr 2010 - 08:26 VladAtanasiu wiz screenshot
This topic: Main > GisServices
History: r36 - 20 Apr 2011 - 11:42:52 - VladAtanasiu
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Bernstein - The Memory of Paper
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