Dinamlex Collaboration

The collaboration with the Institute of Lexicography of Austrian Dialects and Names of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna concerns GIS webservices and research into the spatial aspects of linguistics. At the moment being the goal is the development of cartographic capabilities for the Database of Bavarian dialects in Austria electronically mapped and the Dictionary of Bavarian dialects in Austria (WBÖ).



Sample map: Spatial distribution of literary sources in wboe as georeferenced until 2009.03.30.

wboe quelle map

Syntax for making a map:
<gis url>?url=<data url>&lng=<language iso code>&mext=<bounding box coordinates>

Gis webservice home:
<gis url> = http://wboe.oeaw.ac.at/map/main.html

Geodata selection script:
<data url> =
1. all items in database: http://wboe.oeaw.ac.at/api/<database field name>/geo.jsonp
2. one item: http://wboe.oeaw.ac.at/api/<database field name>/<item number>/geo.jsonp <database field name> = {person|lemma|beleg|quelle}

Map focus:
<bounding box coordinates> = left, bottom, right, top decimal coordinates, with comma (.) decimal separator. Austria: 8,45,18,51

Map legend language:
<language iso code> = de, en, fr... (ISO 639-1-alpha-2)

Spatial distribution of literary sources in wboe, with map focused on Austria and with German interface: link, url: http://wboe.oeaw.ac.at/map/main.html?url=http://wboe.oeaw.ac.at/api/quelle/geo.jsonp&mext=[8,45,18,51]&lng=de

Wboe sample data at Waqwaq:
link, url: http://www.waqwaq.info/ws/main/main.html?url=http://www.waqwaq.info/ws/main/data/wboe.jsonp&mext=8,45,18,51&lng=de

Density maps:
GIS inteface > Density section > Compute. To generate datasets for density maps see MapWorkflow > Option: Density maps.

help.gif By defining custom settings in the ini files options such as language or map extent don't need to be passed to the GIS application via URL.

-- VladAtanasiu - 04 Jul 2009

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pngpng geo_wboe_quelle.png manage 148.4 K 04 Jul 2009 - 21:53 VladAtanasiu Screenshot of wboe map
Paris, France
Waqwaq - mapping cultural geographies

http://www.bernstein.oeaw.ac.at/twiki/bin/view/Waqwaq/CollabDinamlex · r8 · 31 Aug 2009 · 17:10:38 · VladAtanasiu
Waqwaq: Mapping cultural geographies · http://www.waqwaq.info
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