How to generate a map in the Bernstein workspace

Access to the atlas in the Bernstein workspace

  1. Go to the Bernstein workspace at
  2. Select the interface language.
  3. Click on the "Catalog" tab, then select "Simple Search" or "Advanced Search".
  4. In the left-hand bar change the option of "Limitations per hits" to "all".
  5. Select "Map" as display option for the results.
  6. In the "Search" field input a search criteria (ex.: "bear" if you selected "English" as language), then click the "Search" button.
  7. In the left-hand bar click the "show Results" button.
  8. The map will appear shortly. If you wish to view a larger size, click "Full screen" on top of the right-hand bar in the map legend.

-- VladAtanasiu - 14 Mar 2009

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I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
pngpng bernstein-atlas-access.png manage 83.0 K 25 Mar 2009 - 18:51 VladAtanasiu Screenshot of the access to the atlas in the Bernstein workspace
This topic: Main > GisServices > GisAccessAtlas
History: r2 - 25 Mar 2009 - 18:51:30 - VladAtanasiu
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