Description of the individual project of this seminar.
What: My Personal Fribourg
produce a representation of some objective or subjective aspect of the city of Fribourg
think of your output object as something that should be informative to somebody arriving for the first time in Fribourg; think that you would do this work for the tourism office - in fact this is what we aim for: making representations interesting enough to be bought by the tourism office
emotive landscape : probably different streets produce different emotions on you - now walk in the city, record your emotions as you wander about, then take a map of the city and color-code the streets according to your emotive vocabulary. beside the kind of emotion, you might wish to represent also its intensity
accessibility map: given a location in the city produce a map that colorcodes the distance to any other place when using the bus system at a given time
physical nature: digital or physical
sensorial modality: visualization, sonification, tangible, heat, etc.
the representation should measurable (quantified) and/or reproductible (explicit algorithm)
we want you to experience representation of data typically outside the engineering curriculum - we think that this provides you with a fresh and creative approach towards what representation can be
it is important to make educational experiments close to the complexity and "messiness" (i.e. social and physical embodiment) of real-world conditions - and see your work actually used by somebody
try other representation modes than visual
a physical or digital object
an oral presentation of the project
a written description of the project (2 pages excluding figures)
a mid-term review of the advancement of the project will consist in 5 minutes individual presentations
the final project are presented at the end of the term, in 15 minutes sessions (10 minutes presentations, 5 minutes discussions)
the written descriptions are to handed in by email to the instructors at latest one week before the final presentations