IR13s Grading


  • oral and written presentation of a specific visualization topic and its application to the seminar project
  • conceiving and coding specific aspects of a visualization
  • collaboration with the project participants
  • readings on specific visualization topics


You will be graded on the following skills, specific to this project:

  • craftsmanship (~50% of the grade)
  • communication written and oral (~25%)
  • creativity (~25%)
  • active participation in class
  • readings

We apply a logarithm on each skill grade, so that students excelling in a given skill are credited accordingly.


Ware (2012) is mandatory reading for all students. You will also receive individual readings based on your chosen expertise area. A recommended reading list on visualization is provided in the References section.


This is a real world collaborative project, not an academic mockup. There is a real client who expects to use with profit your output. You will not work alone and the outcome of the project depends on the quality of each participant's input. Therefore you need to be actively involved in this project.


In this project we focus on how to design things that function for a specific task. We want to explore such aspects as project organization and objective measures of visualization evaluation. Therefore, the creativity that we expect here is more of technical, problem-solving type, than that of previous installments of this seminar, where fantasy and playfulness was sought.


The work of an engineer might seem to be judged by whether the machine s/he designed works or not. However, being human beings, the way in which the machine is presented to the user, its social packaging, might make or break its success. Because much of this "packaging" in computer science projects goes through written and oral communication, it is important that you hone these skills. See the Readings section for references.


Each student will be the team's expert in a given number of domains. For example, if you are the visual style expert, you will need to know what colormaps for colorblind persons are and how to produce them. The collection of such skill is what makes craftsmanship. Through this seminar you will develop the ability to develop technically sound products in information visualization.

-- VladAtanasiu - 19 Sep 2013 · r3 · 27 Sep 2013 · 11:53:19 · VladAtanasiu
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