Meeting 2006.09.04-06 Paris/Luxembourg
This is the kick-off meeting of the project.
Monday 4 September, 9:00-18:00 - Internal Bernstein meeting (
partners only)
Tuesday 5 September, 9:00-18:00 - Meeting with collaborators (partners and
Wednesday 6 September, 14:00-17:00 - Meeting with PO in Luxembourg (
team leaders only)
During the first two days participants will form working groups for specific topics. At the venue location we have 4 to 5 rooms that we can use, with a capacity of 10 to 40 people. A proposal for the participant repartition is here (Excel sheet).
Trains Paris<>Luxembourg
Paris Est 08h52
Metz Ville 11h39
Metz Ville 11h59
Luxembourg Ville 12h48
Luxembourg Ville 18h46
Paris Est 22h25
Participants are listed here. More about their identity at ParticipantsContacts or on their respective personal pages (like here TWikiGuest).
Follow discussion topics classified by time schedule.
- Agree on who is doing what and when.
- Designation of team leader for the main development topics.
- The technical solutions to be retained should make the dating of papers possible in the limits of our data (images of paper structres and textual metadata).
- Partners: prepare a planning of your tasks, task duration, persons per task / provisional planning needed for Tuesday, firmer planning two weeks after the KM
Monday 4 September 9:00-10:45 Room 1 - Admin
- Wellcome by EzioOrnato
- Project opening by EmanuelWenger
- Presentation of partners by VladAtanasiu
- Meeting objectives (see above)
- Review of meeting timetable by VladAtanasiu
- 4am1 - admin: budget, consortium agreement, varia
- 4am2 - harmonization
- 4pm1 - harmonization group
- 4pm2 - other groups
- 5am - collaborators
- 5am - groups
- 5am - groups
- 6 - Luxembourg
- Budget matters
- Current situation
- Attn: EC pre-finnancing is in rates - plan expenses accordingly
- Negociatie KB early outstanding payment?
- Employees = those on the budget sheets - if change notify
- How to keep track of hours worked (work sheets...)
- Revise consortium agreement points: propriety rights // ... // fill in signatures & bank accounts form
- Varia
- Team plannings: 1. provisional needed for Tuesday pm, 2. realistics needed 2 weeks after KM
- To all, for our periodical repports: collect testimonials, # of citations, webhits
- Who is best placed to negociate Briquet matters?
- Bernstein stationary by Fabriano Museum (0,20EUR per paper sheet, i.e. 600EUR for 3000 folios, i.e. 60EUR for 100 folios per partner)
- Group meetings minutes raporteur
- Development-topic leaders
Monday 4 September 10:45-11:00 Cafeteria - Break
Monday 4 September 11:00-12:30 Room 1 - Integration, Harmonization
- Recapitulation of usage scenarios project goals and main tasks/partner (Vlad & partners)
- Integration issue summary
- Integration presuposes harmonizaton
- Presentation of the logical architecture of the integrated workspace, ex. AIE (VladAtanasiu)
- Language issues (user interface, data display, data query; supported languages; who is doing what)
- Dating and Cartography needs data and modifications from / in DB (TBD)
- Statistical capabilities needed
- Harmonization debate - classification, data content, language
- Present search efficiency test ["The Bernstein User Intelligence Test"] by VladAtanasiu
- Presentation of possible classification systems: (1) hierchical (Piccard, WZMA), (2) by semantic components/radicals/glyphs (Ornato), (3) by geometric components (DUT/NIKI)
- Debate on classification
Monday 4 September 12:30-13:30 Refectory - Pause
- See avec Watry si digitalisation calques de Briquet (30.000) par internet archive
Monday 4 September 13:00-13:30 Room 2 - Dissemination
- Dissemination kit
- Dissemination events to organize: workshops, exhibition
- Who takes care of what
- Debate
Monday 4 September 13:30-13:55 Room 1 - Website
- Website
- Tour by VladAtanasiu
- Questions
- Notification enabled par default?
Monday 4 September 14:00-15:15 Room 1 - Harmonization
- Unicode standard for WM?
- Present variations across collections
- Debate on data content
- If time left: Debate on classification issues
- 15:00 - Individual requests between partners
- LAMOP to LABW: provide description of some terminology used in Piccard (see with LAMOP)
Monday 4 September 15:15-15:30 Cafeteria - Break
Monday 4 September 15:30-16:30 Room 1 - Multilinguism
- Language issues (user interface, data display, data query; supported languages; who is doing what)
- Debate
- Agree on who is doing which languages for which products
Monday 4 September 16:30-16:45 Cafeteria - Break
Monday 4 September 16:45-18:30 Room 1 - Harmonization
- Debate on classification issues
Monday 4 September 16:45-18:30 Room 2 - Bibliography, Cartography
- 16:45 - DNB/LAMOP: scann GW?
- 16:55 - Visualization & quantification of a bibliographical db
- Level of integration with other system components
- Level of integration with GIS
- Mapping issues
- Task repartition: LAMOP: does GIS matching / Partners: give GIS lists (toponyms, identifiers) & modify DB for communication with GIS
- 17:50 - Accord on logical function schema
- 18:15 - Language issues (user interface, data display, data query; supported languages)
Tuesday 5 September 9:00-12:30 Room 1 - Harmonization
- Debate
Tuesday 5 September 12:30-13:30 Refectory - Pause
Tuesday 5 September 13:00-13:30 Room 2 - Image Processing
- Debate
Tuesday 5 September 13:30-16:15 Room 1 - Harmonization
- Debate
Tuesday 5 September 13:30-16:15 Room 2 - Collaboration
- Bates College
- Discuss networking between Bates and Bernstein databases
- Participation in workshops
- Other possible collaboration topics
- British Library
- ISTC-Bernstein link
- LAMOP to ISTC & GW: what LAMOP needs
- Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
- Collaboration on Bernstein?
- Bodleian Library
- Digital ressources for the historical context of paper production and consumption
- British Library, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Bodleian Library
- Project Crystal on Incunabula (ECP2007)
- Q&A
Tuesday 5 September 13:30-16:15 Room 2 - Metadata DONE
- Debate
Tuesday 5 September 16:15-16:45 Cafeteria - Break
Tuesday 5 September 16:45-18:30 Room 1 - Admin
- Revision with partners of individual team plannings
- 17:30 - Recapitulation of next steps
- Documents to prepare:
- Team plannings
- Issues to debate at team-internally and inter-team
- Work meetings to organize
Wednesday 6 September 09:30-10:30 Train
Wednesday 6 September 9:30-12:45 Luxembourg
- EC briefing
- Bernstein presentation
- Issue of grant agreement delay
Wednesday 6 September 14:00-17:00 Luxembourg
- Bernstein planning issues
- Issue of grant agreement delay
- Budget matters
- How to keep track of hours worked (work sheets...)
- Give PO pre-fin sheet with DNB instead of DDB
- Q&A
- Ask if 2nd ECP w/ some Bernstein members ok
- Preferred wording: cooperant, associated partner?
-- VladAtanasiu - 17 Aug 2006