Public Tutorials
Public tutorials are for parties interested to recieve training in digital paper expertise and history by using the tools and methodologies of members of the project.

It would be good if tutorials could be done in parallel with a conference or other event (like next IPH conference in Sweden), so that we have a lot of potential participants.
Time and location
- 2007 July 10-12, Fabriano, Italy - Museum of Paper (MCF), Fabriano ADJOURNED!
- 2008 July, Stuttgart, Germany - State Archives of Baden-Wurtemberg
- 2009 February, Vienna, Austria - Austrian Academy of Sciences
Participation fees
Ordinary fee: 100 euros
Student fee: 50 euros
For the fee participants recieve training, printed documentation and software. Refreshments are also included.
Participants are selected by Bernstein partners (2 per partner group, i.e. a total of 18) and interested persons contacting Bernstein (7 participants) on a first-come-first-served basis.
Number of participants - Target figures are 25 (2007), 25 (2008), respectively 30 persons (2009).
Requests to presenters
- The tutorial is about teaching practical skills (like in a school), not about giving talks (like at a conference)
- Participants are professionals (historians, art historians, librarians, curators, archivists...) and students (of the aforementioned areas)
- Participants would like to go home knowing how to set up an online paper catalogue and how to expertise paper documents
- Expect zero knowledge in paper studies from the public
- Teach people how to do things (cataloguing, expertising...), don't submerge them with data (how many WM types there are, what the WM type distribution was from 1450 to 1500...)
- Prepare a hand-out
- Describe the process you are teaching as a step-by-step list (reproduction: take a camera, fix the papers ona holder, put a light behind, take a picture...)
- Post the hand-out as TWiki text, not
, doc
, pdf
..., in the relevant section of Handbook before the tutorial
Varia documents
VladAtanasiu - 24 Aug 2006