Cartography use case
This is part of the submitted UseCaseList.

Check the homepage of the Bernstein
A description of the scenario that you have in mind.
Scenario 1, mapping proprieties - The user wants to map information stored in the paper collections databases, such as the distribution of a watermark type or elements - say "eagle" - over time and space. He selects the time frame, space area and the information to represent and the machine is pulling it from the databases and represents it as maps.
Scenario 2, mapping by location - The user selects a city (0D geographical object), a river (1D) or an area (2D) - say "Venice" - and the machine produces maps representing proprieties of the papers related to Venice. The machine will in an initial phase display a list of proprieties that it can produce maps of, say watermark types, laid lines densities and type of documents the Venetian papers where used in. Lets say the user selects the last option. The machine will then produce four maps showing the space-time distributions of papers used as support for books, for archive documents, for artists drawings and for other usages. Maybe the user will see that most producing books from Venitian was a feature of Germany in the 15th century, but not 17th century and that Dutchmen used Venitian paper mostly for drawing.
The user can represent one or more datasets on a single or several maps. Thus he can make comparisons between data sets.
The user can then save the map and the respective datasets for further processing.
The cartography is also integrated with the bibliography, so the user can click on a mapped object ("Paris" in a map of "eagel"-s) and get relevant bibliographical references (if tehre are any).
See CartographyBibliographyIntegrationUseCase.
How important do you see this use case as?
What other use cases are affected by the implementation of this one?
- Databases usability / db integration / dating / authentication / cartography / bibliography
Things that the user must/might supply to the system.
- Mandatory: sets of data to represent:
- spatial coordinates (0D (cities...), 1D (rivers), 2D (counties, countries))
- time frames (single years, periods)
- watermark type ("eagle")
- watermark element ("shield")
- watermark type/element proprieties (position, orientation, size, etc.)
- laid lines density (mean, range, standard deviation, skew, k)
- chain lines distance (mean)
- type of document (manuscript, archive document, art drawing...)
Things that the user will recieve in response to their request.
- maps
- quantities of each mapped element (how many WM in Paris, in Spain etc.)
- datasets of the maps
- possibility to export the maps (bitmap, vector garphics), and the datasets
Areas in which you foresee problems/issues arising.
- Pulling data from databases
- getting robust data sets, with high confidence levels
An example supporting this use case.
- See above scenario description.
Other Information
Any other information that you think is important to include.
- Impementation possibilities:
- Mapping Bernstein data with non-Bernstein on-line GIS software (such as the TimeMap used in ECAI)
- PRO:
- access to a professional GIS software (in Bernstein there aren't any GIS specialists)
- time efficient (Bernstein dosn't have to programme it from scratch)
- the software is there ready to use, for free
- CON:
- service depends on the availability of a non-Bernstein software
- Cartography software developped by Bernstein
- PRO:
- service doesn't depend on the availability of a non-Bernstein software
- CON:
- probably we wont be able to develop a professional GIS software (in Bernstein there aren't any GIS specialists)
- time consuming (Bernstein dosn't have to programme it from scratch)
- quality of the software unknown, needs to be tested and adapted
Comment from other partner regarding the use case.
- Differentiation of locations of production and locations of use?
- Which „venice“ – the city “Venice”, the “Republic of Venice” (Sereněsima Repůblica Včneta) or the region “Veneto”? FriederSchmidt
- According to the research of Leo Utter (see his articles at different IPH-congress books) the local measurements of a region (foot, cubit, old regional inch, etc.) can be probably linked to the chainline distances of the there maded paper. I want to check this claim of Leo Utter in my research for the Bernstein-Project. For this research I need an (internal)-user frontend where I can fill in a chainline distance. As output I need a map with all places of papersamples with the same chain line distance and the time of this objects. Only with this kind of research we will take more information about forgeries of watermarks and papertrade. If its works and the claim of Leo Utter was correct we can supported with the Bernstein-cartography also the local messuments. GeorgDietz
VladAtanasiu - 19 Oct 2006