Paper Authentication Use Case
This is part of the submitted UseCaseList.
A description of the scenario that you have in mind.
The user has a paper document of which he questions the origin. Say a drawing on paper attributed to Rembrand. On the basis of reference papers of known origin provided by the Bernstein databases he assesses the authenticity of the questioned document.
Authentication features
This is done by comparing a set of paper characteristics:
- place of use (i.e. where the paper was inscribed or drawn upon)
- time of use
- WM type, elements and shape morphology
- WM similarity between the questioned and the reference WM
- laid lines density variation
- chain lines distance variation and relative position
- wire mean width
- wood beams width and relative position
- granularity variation of paper paste (from the garyscale variation)
The comparison is partly done automatically (laid lines density), partly interactively (WM similarity).
Step-by-step process
- User uploads image to authenticate
- User selects the parameters on which to base the authentication from a list provided by the machine
- The machine and the user take measurements of the questioned paper according to the selected parameters
- The above steps can be skiped if the user provide the measurements (as numbers and text)
- The machine searches in the databases if there are papers with such characetristics...
- which case it produces a text report on the quantities of found samples, their distribution, the position of the questioned individum in the found population as well as...
- opinion on the authenticity of the questioned paper expressed as a numer representing the probability of a positive match
How important do you see this use case as?
What other use cases are affected by the implementation of this one?
- Databases usability / db integration / dating / authentication
Things that the user must/might supply to the system.
- Mandatory: Image to authenticate
- In case of interactive measurements (such as WM similarity), the user has to interact with the machine (select landmarks on the image).
Things that the user will recieve in response to their request.
- number of matching samples in the databases and the statitical make-up of that population
- authenticity opinion
Areas in which you foresee problems/issues arising.
- communication with the databases
- amount of time necessary to search in the databases for items with specific characteristics
- absence of landmarking data for the WM stored in the DB
An example supporting this use case.
- See above scenario description.
Other Information
Any other information that you think is important to include.
Comment from other partner regarding the use case.
- Does "wood beams width" mean the same like "shadow zones" in IPH standard? Who's terminology is "wood beams width"? - FriederSchmidt
-- VladAtanasiu - 20 Oct 2006